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Wyld hits the right notes on sweet summertime glow of Child

"'Child' is a sweetly shiny, folk-pop foot tapper that relays one of the oldest and most relatable feelings in humanity: navigating/risking the vulnerabilities of falling in love... I felt this whole course of thought spill out just giving this song a few listens. Go drive with the windows down, the sunshine on, and take in this song’s ambiance."

Chris Hedden, On the Back Edge of the Beat


Femmes On Mars ...a host of talented tunesmiths make music for the end of summer.​

"'Child' is a sweet and catchy tip-of-the-hat to new love, cute crushes, and that feeling when someone makes you feel like the most real version of yourself. The video is pretty darn cute, too.

Janelle Beck and Melany Joy Beck, Curve Magazine

Interview with Tagg Magazine: Musiq Scene
I had the pleasure of chatting with Ebone Bell from Tagg Magazine about my music video: "I was (and still am) this scrappy artist in thrift store clothes, surviving off of babysitting and temping, and she was this 'grown up' who seemed to have it all figured out."...
Ebone Bell, Tagg Magazine
A Shot of Love with Elizabeth Wyld on the Q the Music podcast
Creating something that is entirely your own can be extremely rewarding but also can put one in a very vulnerable place. Listen to Elizabeth’s experience in coming out, exploring her identity and sexuality, and digging deep to discover her voice after a period of silence. 
Katie Bishop, Shia Cardona, and editing by Tom Lee, Q the Music
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New York Artists' Collective Podcast Interview

"Elizabeth has previously played an NYAC show and is back to tell us about her latest release "Child". She will be releasing her third single in April 2019."

Steph Manns, NYAC This Next One's About, a podcast

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